Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Your Money - Mortgage Aid Elicits Anger, but It May Help -

The New York Times has an interesting article that discusses how people are angry that they have to pay for the mortgages of others with their tax dollars. They also point out the disparity that some homeowners are bailed out to make their payments on properties they cannot afford while renters get no similar break. In Los Angeles more than 10 million people owed more than 120 percent of their homes worth as of the third quarter last year. The argument in favor is to save further problems to the housing sector and economy in general that it is supposedly for the greater good even if it is unfair that some live beyond their means and are bailed out just as the banks were or that it is unfair how some people got better treatment than others just as occurred in the financial bailouts. It is a hot topic in the news currently.